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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# script/test: Run test suite for application. Optionally pass in a path to an
# individual test file to run a single test.
set -e
# cd to project root
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
export PROJECT_NAME="app" RAILS_ENV="test" RACK_ENV="test"
printf "\n===> Setting $RAILS_ENV environment ...\n"
docker-compose run -e RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV app rails db:environment:set
# setup test database
printf "\n===> Migrating $RAILS_ENV database ...\n"
printf "\n*************************************************************"
printf "\n********************** MIGRATION NOTE ***********************"
printf "\n** Script assumes database is already created **"
printf "\n** **"
printf "\n** Run the following command if error encountered **"
printf "\n** **"
printf "\n** docker-compose run -e RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV app rake db:create **"
printf "\n** **"
printf "\n*************************************************************"
printf "\n*************************************************************"
docker-compose run -e RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV app rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
# run tests
printf "\n===> Running tests ...\n"
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# pass arguments to test call. This is useful for calling a single test.
docker-compose --project-name=$PROJECT_NAME run -e RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV --rm app rspec "$1"
docker-compose --project-name=$PROJECT_NAME run -e RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV --rm app rspec
docker-compose down