Go to file
ZippyDev c36423e53a add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
app add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
bin initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
config add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
db add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
lib initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
log initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
public initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
script initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
spec add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
tmp initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
vendor initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
.browserslistrc initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
.env.docker initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
.gitignore add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
.rspec add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
.rubocop.yml add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
.ruby-version initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
Dockerfile initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
Gemfile initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
Gemfile.lock initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
README.md add rspec to template. 2020-03-22 14:12:47 -06:00
Rakefile initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
babel.config.js initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
config.ru initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
docker-compose.yml initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
package.json initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
postcss.config.js initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00
yarn.lock initial project setup with rails, devise, activeadmin, webpacker, docker, stimulusjs, bulma. 2020-03-21 11:53:34 -06:00


Rails 6 template

This repo is a designed to be a Dockerized Rails 6 template:


  • bundle
  • yarn install --check-files
  • Find/replace all TODO


This service has dependencies on the following services.

  1. Ruby 2.6.5
  2. Rails 6.x
  3. Postgres
  4. Redis
  5. Webpacker
  6. Yarn
  7. Stimulus


Follow the Docker Getting Started guide to get docker, docker-machine and docker-compose. This project contains helper scripts to build, test, & push images to dockerhub.

1. Build image: $ script/build

  1. Run the test suite: $ script/test

Docker Compose

Docker compose is used for Jenkins and local development. Use the information below to configure each environment.

Local development

To start the application using docker compose locally:

  1. Start the services: $ docker-compose up --build
  2. Access via browser: $ open http://localhost:3000

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default
APP_NAME App name app
DATABASE_URL Database URL postgres://localhost:5432/app_development
DB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT Db connect timeout 10
DB_MAX_CONNECTIONS Db Max Connections 16
DB_MIN_CONNECTIONS Db Minimum Connections 5
DB_SOCKET_TIMEOUT Db socket timeout 5
DB_WAIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT Db Wait queue timeout 5
LOG_LEVEL Log level warn
REDIS_URL Redis Url redis://localhost:6379/0
SMTP_HOST Smpt address localhost
SMTP_PORT Smpt port 1025
WEBPACKER_HOST Webpacker host localhost


  • Heroku Procfile